Monday, April 16, 2007


Well I just e-mailed the prof about my grade in the class. I'm typically an A student, but there has been a time or two when I settled for a B, well I cant even say that about this class. I'm getting a big fat D! I only got a 14/20 on my blogs and a 0/5 on one of the discussion threads! I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong..I know , well at least i believe, that the reason for the 0 was because I did it on Sunday. I hope someone actually reads this and can back me on Sunday typically being the due day for national online classes, but honestly I'm not holding my breath on it. Did anyone see if it was posted anywhere that the due day was sat and not sun? I honestly feel like I have worked my rear end off and got a punch in the gut for my efforts. :(


Anonymous said...

I was also confused about the due date for everything. I cannot find the due dates posted anywhere. I realized that everything was due on Saturday in the announcement that Dr. Davenport posted today.

About your blog, I think your page looks great, but are you posting something everyday and making sure that you comment on other peoples pages? That's all I can think of.

Brenda said...

I was able to work it out with Dr. Davenport. She didnt see my posts on the handouts. All has been resolved, but I still didnt get a perfect score =P

Myrna Sadalge said...

Hi Brenda,

Thanks for being my partner, hope we have a great solution to the problem. If you don't mind calling me, I'd like to be the employee.

jamielynnrodriguez said...

I was confused about the due dates as well...I didn't see a due date anywhere on the syllabus. I didn't get a perfect score either, don't feel left out! =)