Saturday, April 28, 2007

Phone convo 3

Today I had the opportunity to talk to Lynnette regarding our third phone project. This worked out quite well. She was the employee and I was the boss. She came to me wanting a raise in pay and plead her case as to why she deserved it. She argued her case and we came up with a mutual agreement in a very short amount of time. She stated all that she does for the company and requested a raise as well as more responsibility and after looking at the stipulations of what she was asking, it was determined that she could have the raise that was asked for upon certain contingencies. She will be put on a “probationary” period in the new position for 90 days. After which she will be evaluated. While she is in this probationary period she will be assessed on the merit of her work as well as having the prearranged work done that needs to be done. This entails finishing her degree as well as meeting the expectations that was put forth. If all works out to reasonable expectorations, she will have the promotion that she asked for.

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