Saturday, April 21, 2007

Phone Assignment

On Tuesday evening I called Myrna to do our second phone assignment. I was the one playing the part of the person in HR and she was a concerned employ who was having issues with a colleague. The scenario was that of her, a new employ, having to take on the responsibilities of a colleague, one of who has been there for seven years. In the past, when she has brought this to her supervisors attention it was poorly handled due to the fact that her supervisor and the one who Myrna is having problems with are friends. Speaking directly to the one who she is having a conflict with wasn’t a possibility either. Myrna isn’t the only one who has a problem with this colleague. There are others in the office who also feels the same way; however, they are unwilling to step forward.

As the HR rep I asked Myrna for further detail as to the situation. The situation had been an ongoing occurrence between many of the staff and this colleague. Many had been doing this one particular girls work so things don’t fall behind. This girl has been transferred to different departments but she is still a part of the work force. Myrna’s problem is that she has had to do this other persons work far too many times and sees no resolution when speaking to her supervisor regarding it.
I suggested that she speak to the supervisor to the department and perhaps try to get those others who have the same problems involved in the going to the meeting. “Airing” out the situation with those involved may be the way to resolve the situation. This wasn’t going to happen with her alone. She needs to go to the supervisor. Hopefully this will resolve the situation, however if the same occurrences still persists, she may have to take it to the owners of the practice

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