Friday, May 4, 2007


for those of you who dont know what that means, its like yelling wahoooooooo!!!! The presentation is done. All went great! My other group members already posted on it...why am I always the last one to post? O-well. Well once again, not going to retype everything that everyone else said, but I will say this.

Thank you ladies!! Under all the stress that was going on and the added stress that Rebecca had to deal with today we did great! Best of luck to your sis Rebecca! (incase you havent read her post, her little sis went into labor right before we were supposed to present)

Thank you Dr. D I truly enjoyed this class and have never had so much interaction with my fellow classmates in an online class, even in some on campus classes for that matter. You're an amazing teacher!

Thank you everyone else (I feel like im giving a speech at an award ceremony..haha) Anyways, I'll be coming back to this blog site and using it. I have read all your blogs and feel like I have gotten to somewhat know some of you and I hope you guys will still provide me with reading material! ;)

peace out till later guys!

1 comment:

Debra Davenport said...

Thank you for a fabulous blog! I'm so delighted you enjoyed the class and got something beneficial from it.

I'm so sad class is over! I really miss interacting with everyone!

Sending my best,
Dr. D.